Visualization and charts | Ant Design Charts AntV Data Visualization |
React Hooks Library | ahooks |
React Form Library | ProForm Formily react-hook-form formik |
Router | react-router |
Layout | react-grid-layout react-grid-system rc-dock |
Drag and drop | dnd-kit react-beautiful-dnd react-dnd react-sortable-hoc |
Code Editor | react-codemirror2 react-monaco-editor |
Rich Text Editor | react-quill braft-editor |
JSON Viewer | react-json-view |
Color Picker | react-color |
Media Query | react-responsive react-media |
Copy to clipboard | react-copy-to-clipboard |
Document head manager | react-helmet react-helmet-async |
Icons | react-fontawesome react-icons |
QR Code | qrcode.react |
Top Progress Bar | nprogress |
i18n | FormatJS react-i18next |
Code highlight | react-syntax-highlighter |
Markdown renderer | react-markdown |
Infinite Scroll | rc-virtual-list react-infinite-scroll-component |
Map | react-google-maps google-map-react react-amap |
Video | react-player video-react video.js |
Context Menu | react-contextmenu react-contexify |
Emoji | emoji-mart |
Split View | react-split-pane |
Image Crop | antd-img-crop react-image-crop |
Trend Lines | react-sparklines |
Keywords highlight | react-highlight-words |
Text Loop | react-text-loop-next react-fast-marquee |
Animation | react-move Ant Motion react-spring |
Page Footer | rc-footer |
Water Mark | WaterMark |
Currency | react-number-format react-currency-input-fiel |
Application Frameworks | umi remix refine |