
Avatars can be used to represent people or objects. It supports images, Icons, or letters.


Three sizes and two shapes are available.

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import { UserOutlined } from 'infra-design-icons';
import { Avatar } from 'infrad';
import React from 'react';

const App: React.FC = () => (
      <Avatar size={64} icon={<UserOutlined />} />
      <Avatar size="large" icon={<UserOutlined />} />
      <Avatar icon={<UserOutlined />} />
      <Avatar size="small" icon={<UserOutlined />} />
      <Avatar shape="square" size={64} icon={<UserOutlined />} />
      <Avatar shape="square" size="large" icon={<UserOutlined />} />
      <Avatar shape="square" icon={<UserOutlined />} />
      <Avatar shape="square" size="small" icon={<UserOutlined />} />

export default App;

For letter type Avatar, when the letters are too long to display, the font size can be automatically adjusted according to the width of the Avatar. You can also use gap to set the unit distance between left and right sides.

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import { Avatar, Button } from 'infrad';
import React, { useState } from 'react';

const UserList = ['U', 'Lucy', 'Tom', 'Edward'];
const ColorList = ['#f56a00', '#7265e6', '#ffbf00', '#00a2ae'];
const GapList = [4, 3, 2, 1];

const App: React.FC = () => {
  const [user, setUser] = useState(UserList[0]);
  const [color, setColor] = useState(ColorList[0]);
  const [gap, setGap] = useState(GapList[0]);

  const changeUser = () => {
    const index = UserList.indexOf(user);
    setUser(index < UserList.length - 1 ? UserList[index + 1] : UserList[0]);
    setColor(index < ColorList.length - 1 ? ColorList[index + 1] : ColorList[0]);

  const changeGap = () => {
    const index = GapList.indexOf(gap);
    setGap(index < GapList.length - 1 ? GapList[index + 1] : GapList[0]);

  return (
      <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: color, verticalAlign: 'middle' }} size="large" gap={gap}>
        style={{ margin: '0 16px', verticalAlign: 'middle' }}
      <Button size="small" style={{ verticalAlign: 'middle' }} onClick={changeGap}>

export default App;

Avatar group display.

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import { AntDesignOutlined, UserOutlined } from 'infra-design-icons';
import { Avatar, Divider, Tooltip } from 'infrad';
import React from 'react';

const App: React.FC = () => (
      <Avatar src="https://joeschmoe.io/api/v1/random" />
      <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#f56a00' }}>K</Avatar>
      <Tooltip title="Ant User" placement="top">
        <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#87d068' }} icon={<UserOutlined />} />
      <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#2673dd' }} icon={<AntDesignOutlined />} />
    <Divider />
    <Avatar.Group maxCount={2} maxStyle={{ color: '#f56a00', backgroundColor: '#fde3cf' }}>
      <Avatar src="https://joeschmoe.io/api/v1/random" />
      <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#f56a00' }}>K</Avatar>
      <Tooltip title="Ant User" placement="top">
        <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#87d068' }} icon={<UserOutlined />} />
      <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#2673dd' }} icon={<AntDesignOutlined />} />
    <Divider />
      maxStyle={{ color: '#f56a00', backgroundColor: '#fde3cf' }}
      <Avatar src="https://joeschmoe.io/api/v1/random" />
      <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#f56a00' }}>K</Avatar>
      <Tooltip title="Ant User" placement="top">
        <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#87d068' }} icon={<UserOutlined />} />
      <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#1890ff' }} icon={<AntDesignOutlined />} />
    <Divider />
      maxStyle={{ color: '#f56a00', backgroundColor: '#fde3cf', cursor: 'pointer' }}
      <Avatar src="https://zos.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/ODTLcjxAfvqbxHnVXCYX.png" />
      <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#f56a00' }}>K</Avatar>
      <Tooltip title="Ant User" placement="top">
        <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#87d068' }} icon={<UserOutlined />} />
      <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#1890ff' }} icon={<AntDesignOutlined />} />
    <Divider />
      maxStyle={{ color: '#f56a00', backgroundColor: '#fde3cf', cursor: 'pointer' }}
      <Avatar src="https://zos.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/ODTLcjxAfvqbxHnVXCYX.png" />
      <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#f56a00' }}>K</Avatar>
      <Tooltip title="Ant User" placement="top">
        <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#87d068' }} icon={<UserOutlined />} />
      <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#2673dd' }} icon={<AntDesignOutlined />} />

export default App;

Image, Icon and letter are supported, and the latter two kinds of avatar can have custom colors and background colors.

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import { UserOutlined } from 'infra-design-icons';
import { Avatar, Image } from 'infrad';
import React from 'react';

const App: React.FC = () => (
    <Avatar icon={<UserOutlined />} />
    <Avatar size={40}>USER</Avatar>
    <Avatar src="https://joeschmoe.io/api/v1/random" />
    <Avatar src={<Image src="https://joeschmoe.io/api/v1/random" style={{ width: 32 }} />} />
    <Avatar style={{ color: '#f56a00', backgroundColor: '#fde3cf' }}>U</Avatar>
    <Avatar style={{ backgroundColor: '#87d068' }} icon={<UserOutlined />} />

export default App;

Usually used for reminders and notifications.

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import { UserOutlined } from 'infra-design-icons';
import { Avatar, Badge } from 'infrad';
import React from 'react';

const App: React.FC = () => (
    <span className="avatar-item">
      <Badge count={1}>
        <Avatar shape="square" icon={<UserOutlined />} />
      <Badge dot>
        <Avatar shape="square" icon={<UserOutlined />} />

export default App;
/* tile uploaded pictures */
.avatar-item {
  margin-right: 24px;

[class*='-col-rtl'] .avatar-item {
  margin-right: 0;
  margin-left: 24px;

Avatar size can be automatically adjusted based on the screen size.

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import { AntDesignOutlined } from 'infra-design-icons';
import { Avatar } from 'infrad';
import React from 'react';

const App: React.FC = () => (
    size={{ xs: 24, sm: 32, md: 40, lg: 64, xl: 80, xxl: 100 }}
    icon={<AntDesignOutlined />}

export default App;



altThis attribute defines the alternative text describing the imagestring-
gapLetter type unit distance between left and right sidesnumber44.3.0
iconCustom icon type for an icon avatarReactNode-
shapeThe shape of avatarcircle | squarecircle
sizeThe size of the avatarnumber | large | small | default | { xs: number, sm: number, ...}default4.7.0
srcThe address of the image for an image avatar or image elementstring | ReactNode-ReactNode: 4.8.0
srcSetA list of sources to use for different screen resolutionsstring-
draggableWhether the picture is allowed to be draggedboolean | 'true' | 'false'-
crossOriginCORS settings attributes'anonymous' | 'use-credentials' | ''-4.17.0
onErrorHandler when img load error, return false to prevent default fallback behavior() => boolean-

Tip: You can set icon or children as the fallback for image load error, with the priority of icon > children

Avatar.Group (4.5.0+)#

maxCountMax avatars to shownumber-
maxPopoverPlacementThe placement of excess avatar Popovertop | bottomtop
maxPopoverTriggerSet the trigger of excess avatar Popoverhover | focus | clickhover4.17.0
maxStyleThe style of excess avatar styleCSSProperties-
sizeThe size of the avatarnumber | large | small | default | { xs: number, sm: number, ...}default4.8.0